Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Santa Claus Museum

Santa Claus Museum

Ran across this website of the Santa Claus Museum.  You can write to Santa from this site and get a letter from Santa for the children in your life.

Ho, ho, ho!!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Baggy Pants were his Downfall

Killer Plunges to His Death After His Pants Fall Down

In what appears to have been a drug deal gone bad a killer who followed another victim onto the fire escape tripped and fell over his baggy pants. He then plunged 3 stories to his death.

Read the whole article here.

Friday, December 18, 2009



Design your own robot and make it shake its booty!

Free Christmas Music

Free Christmas Music from Feels Like Christmas.com
Songs & Carols
Holiday Music MP3 Downloads

Friday, December 4, 2009

Check out the Graffiti Creator at GraffitiCreator.net.

Here's one I made for The Squeaky Brain.  Note there is limited space, I had to type in the name without spaces or I couldn't fit in all the 'brain'.

Thursday, December 3, 2009



Found this website and spent waaaayyyy too much time there.

Check it out!!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Paper Toys

PaperToys.com has lots of models to choose from (boxes, cars, buildings, cards, etc).  Check it out.

Here's one that caught my eye...

Friday, November 27, 2009

The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan

An engaging and informative read, the Omnivore’s Dilemma takes the reader along on the author’s journey from field to meal in four different ways.

The reader is a bird on the shoulder while the author travels the same journey your food takes from field to plate.

For the first meal we travel from field to feedlot to a “meal on the go”. The author’s family experiences a McDonald’s meal during a drive in the car.  He chose a burger, his son was very happy with the chance to scarf some chicken nuggets and the author’s wife resigned herself to a salad.

For the second meal our journey moves from “industrial organic” through to plate. The author creates a dinner from items at Whole Foods market with a chicken as the main course.  He gets philosophic about the packaging and the current marketing strategy of feel-good stories used to sell products.

The third meal meanders from farm field to abattoir to dinner table.  Pollan dishes up a dinner with several items from the farm where he spent a week working alongside the farmer and family.  The section about the abattoir may be too much for some people.  I remember I thought of one of my vegetarian friends and considered that she may not be able to read this section.

The final meal, meal number four has the reader follow as the author attempts to hunt and forage for his meal.  The author learns along the way many lessons about food and about self.

The first portion of this book was a great eye opener if a bit dry.  Once we got past the feedlot my interest piqued and I had trouble putting the book down.  I found the processes fascinating and am looking forward to his next book.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

A Real-Life Big Brother Poster

A Real-Life Big Brother Poster. See the original at Business Pundit.

It's real which makes it very creepy. I feel like I've just stepped into a sci fi movie.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blind Boy Regains Sight With Gene Therapy

Wow,  an experimental gene therapy procedure has given a boy who lost his sight another chance at light.  He was born with a disease that ravaged his sight until it was gone completely last year.  After this procedure he was able to read and ride a bike with his friends.

Check out the full story and video here.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Review: Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

In Eat, Pray, Love, author Elizabeth Gilbert takes us along on her journey of self discovery and recovery.  Dealing with the aftermath of her discovery that she doesn’t want children or to stay in her marriage we piggy back on her decision to spend four moths in three locations to study what each does best.

We discover Italy through her eyes (and stomach) learning and discovering pleasure in its many forms.  The word today is most often associated with sex, and there is a level of that, it is Italy after all, but she reminds us that the definition is much broader and multi-layered.

Pleas-ure [plezh-er]
1.    The state or feeling of being pleased.
2.    Enjoyment or satisfaction derived from what is to one's liking; gratification; delight.
3.    Worldly or frivolous enjoyment: the pursuit of pleasure.
4.    Recreation or amusement; diversion; enjoyment: Are you traveling on business or for pleasure?

We encounter the aesthetic magic of an ashram and Gilbert’s breakthrough in self development, and forgiveness, in India in such a self depreciating manner that the breakthrough seem almost anticlimactic.  There are so many misconceptions and taboos around a stay at an Ashram that her ability to bring to life each denizen in a straight forward and day to day manner was especially appealing.

After investigating pleasure in Italy and faith in India, Gilbert takes route to Bali where she hopes to study balancing both while learning from a medicine man she met two years prior who assured her she would return to the island and study with him.  A brief foray into history helps the outsider understand some of the current culture and interactions of the Balinese.

At each turn in her journey he readily shares vignettes of her lack of planning, lack of strategy and ability to succeed in spite of the jumble she often feels.  Makes international travel seem more plausible to the stay t home who has always believed it would be too difficult to make a trip outside one’s own borders.

Friday, October 2, 2009

UK court orders writ to be served via Twitter

UK court orders writ to be served via Twitter

Britain's High Court ordered its first injunction via Twitter on Thursday, saying the social website and micro-blogging service was the best way to reach an anonymous Tweeter who had been impersonating someone.

View article here.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Charcoal Drawing Generator

Sporkforge has a Charcoal Drawing Generator that's fun to use.

Here's an example.  I changed the resolution from default to high and changed the colorization from default to moderate.  I like the effect.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hello, please meet... Scion Speak

Scion Speak

Create your own crest and show the world what you're made of (or at least what you think you're made of).

When you're done you can download, print or post it to the Scion gallery.  You can view the exclusive 'making of' video.

Here's a random crest from the randomizer...

Monday, September 28, 2009

Send Some Luck Someone's Way

Create and print a personalized Luck Transfer Certificate at Transfer of Luck web page.

Step One is to type in the to and from names.  The current day's date is already there but this can be changed.
Step Two is to press the Update Preview button and let the system render the new certificate.  Once created, you can press teh click here button to have an image pop up in a new window where you right click and 'save as'.
Step three suggests you affix real pennies to the penny graphics and then present to the lucky recipient of your luck.

Go forth and spread some luck!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Create Your own Lego Set

Check out the LEGO Digital Designer. The program that lets you build with LEGO bricks on your computer.
Learn more about LDD and how you get started by using our new tutorial movies.  It works on both PC and Mac.  You can create your dream package with the designer software and at the end check on the 'check price' button which will show you the pricing for all the necessary parts in your local currency.  Then you just upload and follow the directions. 

Getting Started Video Tutorials

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Create Your Own Wanted Poster

Planning on being an outlaw this Holloween?  All the most wanted outlaws have their own Wanted poster.

Wanted Poster

Tuxpi has many photo effects to play with. 

Monday, September 14, 2009

Letters from the Tooth Fairy

Ran across a great website for those with tooth loose age children, www.toothfairyletter.net.  You can download a PDF version of several letters or purchase a modifiable Word document for $5.  There are specific letters for boys, girls, lost tooth and extraordinary situations.  There is also link to coloring pages.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Assess Your Risk of Identity Theft

I just ran across a website called www.myidscore.com which states they can assess your risk of identity theft.  You input some information like full name, address, phone numbers and date of birth.  They also ask for a social security number but this is optional.  Then you press a button and it gives you a score with explanation. There is a limit of 2 score searches in a 14 day period.

According to their website My ID Score is a three digit number between 1 and 999. It describes your risk of being a victim of identity fraud and gives you real–time, actionable insight into the security of your identity.

My ID Score is different than a credit score. A credit score indicates your creditworthiness. My ID Score indicates the risk that you might be a victim of identity fraud. Your specific My ID Score will fall somewhere within three score ranges: Low, Moderate, or High. A higher score indicates a greater identity fraud risk.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Happy Labor Day Weekend!!

According to the US Department of Labor Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.

Click here for a list of Labor Day 2009 events.